Stonehaven's Board of Trustees is entrusted with the responsibility
of crafting a strategic plan that guides the school towards achieving its mission and vision.
As the school's leadership was beginning the process of our latest strategic plan, we recognized the Lord’s ever-present hand working through many difficult challenges to help strengthen our foundation. From the various facility obstacles to the complexities of running a school during a pandemic, God was faithful in keeping our school focused on its most cherished values. The school’s leadership and Board of Trustees feel both a deep sense of gratitude for God’s provision and a feeling of responsibility to continue the great work He has entrusted to our hands.
The current strategic plan was developed by a committee of various school stakeholders to bolster and strengthen the school’s missional commitments. The three strategic objectives defined were: 1) establish a vision and plan for long-term sustainability, 2) nurture a robust and delightful staff culture, and 3) become a creator and leader in classical Christian education. The board and leadership agreed that each of these would be essential to growing and enhancing our school’s Christ-centered classical mission.
To whom much is given, much is expected. We believe the Lord has given us a precious responsibility to provide a true, good, and beautiful education for our children. Therefore, we move forward boldly with a desire to work diligently now that we might reap bountifully in the years to come. “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
We are grateful for the support of our parents and all the many friends of The Stonehaven School. Our success has been a testament to the prayers, commitment, and gifts from our supporters.
Stuart Harvey, Chairman
Board of Trustees
A five-year plan guiding Stonehaven towards the cultivation of truth, goodness, and beauty in children.