The curriculum followed at Stonehaven is demanding of even the most gifted students so as to maximize their God-given gifts and talents.
The work is challenging... but so is the world our young people will inevitably enter one day. Students will need to be able to spot and then handle the falsehoods and equivocations rampant in the secular world which insidiously draws in the gullible and unprepared. It is the task of Stonehaven to sharpen the minds of its students, to teach them to think logically, methodically, deeply, and critically. Students will be taught to "question all things."
Grades: K-2
Ages: 4-8
Grades: 3-6
Ages: 9-11
Grades: 7-9
Ages: 12-14
Grades: 10-12
Ages: 15-18
"They do not know what the words mean; they do not know how to ward them off or blunt their edge or fling them back; they are a prey to words in their emotions instead of being the masters of them in their intellects." - Dorothy Sayers