Parent Partnership

Stonehaven believes an intentional and vibrant program of parent participation is essential in our effort to partner with parents in the education of their children. We strive to cultivate in our parents a sense of responsibility for the school and to see them well informed about the goals of our classical and Christ-centered approach.

The book of John calls us to a life of service, "If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him" (John 12:26).

We strive to cultivate in our parents a sense of responsibility for the school and to see them well informed about the goals of our classical and Christ-centered approach. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in the life and community of Stonehaven. We are committed to providing a truly excellent education for our children and the consistent and devoted participation of our parents is an essential component to this core value. By serving our school we are able to set an example for our children on what it looks like to love others. In addition, our children feel loved because we are pouring our time into something they are deeply invested in. Each family is encouraged to contribute annually a minimum of ten hours of service to the school. These ten hours are broken down into two categories:

Community Ambassadors

At least five of the ten hours will be helping Stonehaven connect to and serve our local community. Such activities might include:

  • School Service Projects
  • City Events (parades, civic events, etc.)
  • Preschool Relationship Building
  • Church Relationship Building
  • Local Business Partnerships
  • Soliciting Donations

Institutional Support

The second five hours must be in support of the school's operations and academic program. Such activities might include:

  • Board Committees
  • Teacher/Staff Support
  • Lunchroom Aide
  • Carpool Helper
  • Facility Maintenance (Painting, Landscaping, etc.)
  • Support and Organize School Events (Open Houses, PTF, Field Day, Parent Orientation, etc.)
  • School Fundraisers (Annual Fund Dinner, Gala, Jog-a-Thon, etc.)

" Stonehaven focuses on training the hearts of children as much as their minds and doing both in partnership with the parents. For our family this is the critical element of education we valued when choosing Stonehaven." - Parent Survey, Spring 2020