Georgia Goal

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Submit your 2024 GOAL Tax Credit Application today!

The GOAL Program is a remarkable and important opportunity provided to Georgians by our elected officials.

In exchange for contributions to Georgia GOAL, our partner Student Scholarship Organization, taxpayers receive a 100% state income tax credit!

This is a proven opportunity that is a win-win-win for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our school community. By simply contributing to Georgia GOAL for a 100% Georgia income tax credit - in other words, by contributing with dollars you must spend anyway - you will help maximize financial aid for deserving families desiring to receive a Stonehaven education.

You have the opportunity to make this our school's best year yet in raising GOAL funds! With your participation, we can achieve our 2024 vision and maximize the impact of this program in our community.

How much money is raised through Stonehaven's Georgia GOAL program?

In 2023, Stonehaven GOAL participants contributed over $190,000 to help make a Stonehaven education accessible to as many children as possible.

Please contact Melissa Dickinson at with any questions and thank you for your support of The Stonehaven School.

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14